Release notes

Take a look at our platform tools, features, and updates designed for your specific needs.

May 2024

Version 29.05 on May 16th, 2024.

The release contains no visible features but many improvements, particularly on performance and security.

April 2024

Version 29.04 on April 11th, 2024.

The release contains no visible features but many improvements, particularly on performance and security.

March 2024

Version 29.03 on March 14th, 2024.

The release contains no visible features but many improvements, particularly on performance and security.

February 2024

Version 29.02 on February 15th, 2024.

Monitor and optimise automated flows thanks to AI

In recent magnews releases we developed two AI-driven nodes, machine learning nodes to make your automated flows smarter and more effective: AI Split and AI Wait.
We added some useful features to make them easier to understand and use: a specific report, an indication of the node's status.
Also, new templates for abandoned cart recovery are waiting for you, with the AI Wait node to optimise waiting time.
Learn more about AI Automated flows

Trigger an automated flow with an event from data tables

In several contexts, the information with which one wants to start the automated flow does not reside directly in the contact, but in a platform data table linked to the contact.
The new 'New data event' node starts an automated flow session each time a new item is inserted into the data table.
Learn more

AI Assistant: easier to use the virtual assistant

We simplified the use of AI Assistant by using the unique magnews account. AI Assistant is your personal assistant: it refines your texts to make them clear and engaging, creates eye-catching call-to-actions and descriptions for your products in your preferred style, and analyses your email content to offer you some effective subject lines and preview texts.
Use AI Assistant

January 2024

Version 29.01 on January 18th, 2024.

Automated flows with (intelligently) optimised waiting times with AI Wait

AI Wait: after the AI Split node, another 'AI' node at your disposal for more efficient automated flows. The AI Wait node also revolutionises your automated flows, deciding for you which waiting times are most effective and productive.
Find out how AI Wait works

AI-driven translation for easy and cost-effective multilingual communication

We have enhanced our AI Translate app, adding contextual translation in the communication designer. Focus your attention on the content and redistribute the time and costs you would have spent on translation.
Discover AI Translate

Restyling for contact fields

With magnews release 29.01, you can see the contact fields in the Matilda interface.
It is not a simple porting, but at the same time a simplification and enhancement in the creation of fields, editing and configuration of the contact form layout.
Read more about the restyling