Release notes

Take a look at our platform tools, features, and updates designed for your specific needs.

December 2019

Version 24.12 on December 12th, 2019.


We've integrated websites into campaigns

Websites have been integrated into campaigns, in order to allow you to centralize the assets of a project into a single campaign.
Within the campaign, you can manage newsletters, workflows, surveys, web displays and web pages.
For instance, you can now create a newsletter and a survey in the same campaign and link the survey directly from the call to action in the newsletter. This simplifies the Design menu, which becomes "Campaigns" and opening it directly displays the list of campaigns.
Let's see what changes in your account in detail. Your campaigns, along with their newsletters and workflows, can now host surveys, web pages and web displays.
Every website has become a campaign, which is also called "Website | Name of the site", there you can find your web pages, surveys and web displays.


Reorganize your content

If you want to reorganize your campaigns, you can easily move surveys, web pages and content from one campaign to another.
Use the "Move" icon in order to perform this operation in the list of surveys, web pages and contents; you will then be asked which campaign you want to move the content to.
From the media list, you can copy it into another campaign or in the global media library. The media element will also continue to work in its original campaign.

User profiles

What’s new for user profiles and permissions

If you access the user profile management section (Management > Account > User Profiles) you will see the same profiles as before (both system and custom profiles).
The web tab and its permissions are no longer contained in the profiles, and its main permissions have been moved to the Campaigns tab (Manage web pages, Manage survey, Manage web displays).
No changes has been performed to exceptions about campaigns. If you had exceptions for websites, they have been moved to the new campaign that replaces the website.
Do not hesitate to contact our Help Desk in case you find one of your users that is no more able to access pages he use to manage before this update.

Campaign setup

What has changed for campaign setup and settings

We have modified the campaign setup pages, where you can choose the settings for the campaign and the default values for the newsletters (e.g. sender, reply-to, web domain).
The items that were already present have been reorganized and grouped into tabs by topic and usage frequency: general, newsletter defaults, advanced defaults, recipients, delivery defaults, web page settings.

November 2019

Version 24.11 on November 7th, 2019.


Assign custom permalinks to pages and surveys

The platform lets you configure more than one web domain to be used for links to web pages and surveys.
Until now, you could assign a domain to a website: then, all the surveys and web pages belonging to that website inherited the same domain.
From now on, however you will be able to activate a permalink for every web page and every survey. Once enabled, you’ll be able to select one web domain and one slug.
Example: You have a lead generation survey, if you use the web domain and the slug request-demo, your survey will be reacheable at
You can also leave the slug empty, in this case the web page will be reacheable directly from the URL corresponding to the web domain.
If you had already surveys or web pages in your account for which you have entered a custom URL, you will find it in the new field URL slug.

Transactional communications

Transactional communications: new name and new "location"

The name “Transactional message templates” has been changed to "Transactional communications"; you’ll now find them in the Campaigns section, and not among the templates.
These are real communications, which remain in a constant delivery status: this is why they have been renamed to transactional communications.
Their use remains the same, no functionality has been changed or deleted.
When creating an old "Transactional Message Template" you were asked for the campaign to associate it with; the defaults (sender, subject...) where then taken from this campaign.
Now, in the campaigns you had chosen, you will find the respective transactional communications.
Similarly, you will find the transactional communication reports within the reports of each campaign.
Instead, the reports of transactional categories, and also of transactional message types, are found in the first level of the Reports menu.

Transactional communications and campaign

Move transactional communications to the appropriate campaign

We have implemented a feature that allows you to move a transactional communication from one campaign to another.
Since transactional communications were previously collected in a single list, regardless of the campaign to which they belonged, it is possible that the campaign was chosen without too much attention. If this is the case, you can use this feature which lets you change the campaign of a transactional communication.
Some communications will need to be edited before they are moved, for example if they use campaign-specific media or content.

October 2019

Version 24.10 on October 3rd, 2019.


Images editor: overlap stickers to your images!

If you need to insert a link to a video in your email message, you can set up an image placeholder and add the play sticker, choosing the one that best fits in with the image.
In the design of communication, blue icons appear while you are moving on the image and you can open "Image editor". When designing the communication, blue icons will appear: click on the "Image editor" to open up the editor. On the left you will find a new icon named Sticker: clicking on it will display the stickers you can apply to your image.
Using the available tools, you can move and resize the sticker, apply a transparency effect or make it specular.

In addition, the Upload button lets you load other images to be used as stickers for customizing your communications. Remember that, to obtain the "Paste" effect, the sticker must be transparent.
For example, you can make your brand stand out by overlapping the company logo on some of your images.
The platform’s image editor has many features, if you don't know the editor yet, try out some of them:

  • basic color adjustments (e.g. contrast, brightness, saturation)
  • advanced adjustments (e.g. changing exposure, light and shadow, temperature, or sharpness)
  • application of filters
  • overlapping of pattern (e.g. golden, rain, paper, metal, clouds)
  • resizing and cropping according to the most useful standards (e.g. square image or 16:9, according to the Facebook size for the profile photo or for a post)
  • overlapping text, of which you can choose color, font, size…

September 2019

Version 24.09 on September 5th, 2019.


Send Time Optimization and A/B split testing

Send Time Optimization (STO) allows you to spread sending of a communication across a 24 hour timeframe, in which each contact is sent their email at the most appropriate time for them.
The A/B split test allows you to test two versions of a newsletter on a sample of contacts, and automatically send the highest performing version to the rest.
The platform will send the two versions (A and B) to a chosen percentage of contacts and, once the testing phase is over, it will send only the winning version using STO.


Workflow report via email

You can periodically receive a Workflow report, for example, on the first day of the month, you can receive the report for the previous one.
Upon accessing the report for a workflow, choose Planned report from the side menu.
From the report options, you can instruct it to consider sessions completed in a certain period, choosing between:

  • a number of days, which can also include the current day;
  • a number of months, which can also include the current month;
  • a custom period, entering the start date and end date or just one of them;
  • all sessions, which is the history of the entire workflow.
You can receive the report in various formats (pdf, xls, word).


Placeholder text for Surveys and Web displays

In surveys and Web displays, we have added the ability to enter placeholder text for questions, the text in gray that appears within a field and disappears as soon as the contact starts typing.
With this strategy you could, for example, avoid displaying the text of questions above the fields, but make it appears inside them instead.
You may also enter some examples of what values the field should contain, so as to provide additional help to your users.


Restore original styles in the designer

When you edit the style of a Newsletter, Content, Survey, you might want to return to the default values for testing purposes, but you don’t actually remember what you changed. You can now click the Restore Default button, to go back to the original style.


Automatic suspension of inactive users

In order to protect your Account from unnecessary access, you can automatically suspend inactive users, those users who have not logged into the Account for some time.
You can activate this feature by going to Management > Account > Protection level and setting the time of inactivity. The account holder will receive a notification when a user is suspended.
You can make sure that some users are never suspended, by clicking the related option in their user tab. You can reactivate a suspended user at any time.


Removed some obsolete special permissions

We have removed two special user permissions, for publishing objects and editing published objects. These have become obsolete, hence they’ve been removed without any side effects on users.
They are thus no longer visible when accessing the users list, and within each user’s tab.

July 2019

Version 24.07 on July 25th, 2019.

Web tracking

Progressive profiling: Web Tracking also profiles anonymous visitors

Starting from this version, you can collect information for profiling an anonymous visitor (Visitor Variables), so you can add this information to their details when they become a contact.
You can use these variables to create display conditions for a Web display.
For example:
We want to show a Web display only if the visitor is over 26 years old. So we create two Web displays: thefirst "A" for all visitors and the second "B" only for those over 26 years of age.

  • In the Web display "A" we request the age, which gets placed in a visitor variable (e.g. years).
  • In the display conditions of Web Display "B", we set a condition on the value of the "Years" variable (visitor.vars.years), by choosing "Expression" and using the advanced mode.
For more details on using variables, see the dedicated documentation.


News on the Campaign report

For email clients that block the automatic download of images, the operating system or client used by the contact cannot be recognized.
From now on, in the Campaign report "Email clients", the platform will group all these cases under the "Blocked image" report item.

Web service

Send Time Optimization from Web service

Now, you can use the Send Time Optimization functionality to also send via Web service.
The Send Time Optimization option allows you to distribute a delivery within 24 hours, in which the platform automatically sends your Newsletter to each Contact at the best time, based on their behaviour history.
For more information on this feature, see the platform documentation.

Operazioni schedulate

Scheduled operations and cascading task

You can decide to start a task at the end of a Scheduled operation. Now, you can decide whether thecascading task should start even if the Scheduled operation returns an error.


Suspending account Users

The platform allows you to suspend a User, for example because they will no longer need to access the Account from a certain date on.
You can now do this directly from the list of Users. You will be asked whether you want to enter a future date, which will remain displayed in the "Security" tabof the user’s page, until expiration.
The ability to reactivate Users at any time has remained unchanged.
Please note that a suspended User, in addition to not accessing the Account, cannot - as an example - use the FTP and Web Service APIs, but anyScheduled activities will continue to function (e.g. Deliveries, Scheduled operations).

June 2019

Version 24.06 on June 20th, 2019.


Take advantage of the potential of AMP4Email with Survey

We've integrated the new platform surveys with AMP4Email, so you can place a form into an AMP email and have your contacts fill it in directly inside the email, without needing to go to an external page.
For more details on the capabilities of AMP4Email or to customize a newsletter template, please contact your sales representative.


New recommendation app: Connector

Our partnership with has given birth to a new app, Connector, an advanced recommendation ecosystem that leverages the capabilities of Business Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Boost the conversion rate of your e-commerce by offering your contacts a personalised shopping experience.
With the template provided by our platform, each individual user will see the products he/she is most likely going to buy.


External unsubscription flow

If you add an external unsubscribe flow, you now have the option of using, on your landing page, the variables that indicate the Communication from which the link was clicked and the campaign to which it belongs.


New in Web Service

createNewsletter: We have added two options to the createNewsletter function, which allow you to identify a Communication as a "Transactional Message Template" and assign it the appropriate message type.
Call limit: If you exceed the daily Web service call limit, you will now receive a more specific error.

May 2019

Version 24.05 on May 23rd, 2019.



The AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)technology launched by Google lets you integrate dynamic contents, complex graphical layouts and images into a single communication.
You'll be able to update the information in your newsletters even after they've been sent, or let your contacts fill in a form, a gallery of sliding images or a list with dynamics elements.
Your account supports AMP, which will be made available for custom templates coded using the Giotto language.

For more details on the benefits of AMP4Email please contact your sales representative.

Web domains for SMS links

You can enable link tracking within SMS messages. Links will automatically be converted to Shortlinks, letting you save valuable characters in your message.
For link tracking, during the Message creation phase you can now choose any Web Domain from those configured in your account.
From the Setup page of each Campaign, you can set a default Web Domain for each new SMS.
You can also configure a default domain from the Management > Settings > Campaigns menu.

Protocol definition for links in SMS messages

In order to save characters in your SMS, you can choose not to enter the URL protocol (http:// o https://).
Please note that links with no protocol may not be clickable on some devices.


Recall via Web Service

Recall is the feature that allows you to re-send a Communication to contacts who have already received it but have neither opened nor clicked it. You can now Recall a delivery also using Web Service.

April 2019

Version 24.04 on April 18th, 2019.


Our new Surveys are online

With our new Survey, you can design quick surveys to submit to your customers to find out their level of satisfaction with a specific product, ask for opinions and feedback on events you have organized, as well as create a more complex online questionnaire for market research purposes. Here are only a few examples of what you can do. Our new Surveys, indeed, were designed for our customers who want to create their online surveys independently.

To create a Survey with the new method, from the drop-down menu Editor, choose Drag and Drop.

Compared to the previous version, creating Survey, will be easier, as you will find a basic template ready to use and customize, which already provides for the creation of multiple linked pages with a simple navigation bar that will be inserted automatically.

From the Designer you can choose which question type to add to the Survey and drag it to your desired position. You can also customize styles without knowing the HTML code: you can change all pages at once, therefore you don’t have to re-apply the changes to each field or page. Items you can edit are: page or border background, width and distances in pixels, label and error colours, styles of buttons, progress bars and page numbers.

You can also have some questions displayed in two columns. The basic template also lets you arrange the answers to a single choice question horizontally and display them with a scale of visual values, a score, called NPS (Net Promoter Score).

From the Settings, you can configure general access options for your Survey:

  • Set a time period for accepting answers (from a certain date and/or until a certain date);
  • Set a maximum number of responses (e.g. accept only the first 100 submissions);
  • Accept responses only from recognized contacts (present in your databases) or from anyone viewing the page;
  • Define custom access conditions, using contact-specific filters;
  • Accept only one answer per contact;
  • Allow users to continue filling in from the point or page they arrived at if they return to the Survey a second time.

The new Surveys allow you to decide, when one of these cases occurs, whether to redirect the user to an external web page or display a dedicated page that is built automatically within the Survey, which can be customized.

You also have a Validation tool at your disposal that will notify you of any errors, or warnings, that need correcting before your Survey can go online.

Once the Survey is activated, you can use the Activate button, to send a communication to your contacts that will allow them to click and reply: you will see submissions populated in real time. From the reports, you'll find out how many people filled in the Survey, which questions they answered, and the charts will help you find your contacts' favourite responses.

For more information, read the dedicated documentation.

If you can’t find Surveys in your account and you want to try them out or need more information, please contact your sales representative.


Scheduled operations and Workflows

If you have a Workflow, with an Anniversary node, you can have the Workflow start only when a Scheduled Operation has finished.

Example:: Every day your workflow sends a newsletter to all those who bought an item a year ago. However, every day you import new contacts through a scheduled operation and would like to contact them if they are included in the buying anniversary. You can thus set up the workflow and the scheduled operation so that the workflow only starts after the contact update is finished.

To do this, in the scheduled operation configuration screen, choose Start a workflow from the cascading list of tasks that can be performed at the end of the scheduled operation..

You can start all those Workflows have anniversary type nodes, and whose frequency is set to On demand.


Webservice calls for deleting contacts

You can permanently delete contacts from webservice, by using their contact ID. The Webservice can perform the deletion operation for a single contact or for a list of contacts.

March 2019

Version 24.03 on March 21st, 2019.


Send Time Optimization

La The Send Time Optimization sets a delivery that, given a start timing, has 24 hours to send the newsletter to each contact at the time it usually opens or reads.
If your contact has interacted with newsletters at a given time, then he will be reached by your newsletters at that same time. If no interactions with your previous newsletters have been recorded for a contact, the newsletter will be sent following the statistical distribution of overall openings, adjusted to the contact’s timezone.
We have activated Send Time Optimizationon your account. To send using this mode, just check the corresponding option.

Disabled Inbox preview Basic

As previously announced, the Inbox Preview Basic service has been discontinued.
You can use an alternative solution, with additional and more advanced features: Inbox Preview. If you are interested, please contact your sales representative.


New scheduled operation: edit contacts

A new scheduled operation has been added to the existing ones:Edit contacts. What can you do?

  • Update a contact field with a fixed value
  • Reset / clear the value of a contact field;
  • Calculate an expression and assign the result to a field. A few examples:
    • Increase the value of a numeric contact field by 1;
    • Use the value of a field to update another;
    • Update a field with today's date.

By choosing a contact's status as the field to be updated, you can also, for example: unsubscribe inactive contacts, suspend active contacts that you want to pause or, on the contrary, reactivate suspended contacts.

You can perform multiple simultaneous operations on the same target group.

If you are a platform user with an administrator profile, you will find scheduled operations under Management > System > Scheduled operations.

Reducing the number of notifications from scheduled operations

For each new scheduled operation you create on the platform, or even for those you have already configured, you can choose whether to receive notifications about operation start, of end operation or only if errors are encountered..

Easier testing on Web displays

If you have placed a form in a Web display, you can now perform test submissions without them being counted in the statistics. Just use the test link that can be generated from the Web display designer.

Test link also works with Web display disabled.


The completed documentation has been published on Web Experience, you can use it to publish by yourself a banner, pop-up and form inline.