Release notes

Take a look at our platform tools, features, and updates designed for your specific needs.

December 2022

Version 27.12 on December 15th, 2022.

Release 27.12 contains no visible features but includes many improvements on performance and security.

November 2022

Version 27.11 on November 17th, 2022.

Preview text: more visibility in the inbox of your contacts

Preview text (aka pre-header, from insiders) is a tool visible in almost all mail clients and smartphone previews, usually after the subject. From the contact's point of view, this text gives an idea of the topic and, together with the sender and subject, makes the contact decide whether to open your email or not. This tool is still little known, but it has a significant impact on your communications, so you should not skip it.
If you are still not familiar with preview text, you are about to find out what it is, what it is used for, and how to use it in magnews.
If you already know it, let's show you what's new in magnews and how we've made it even easier to use it today.

Tag site advances on reports (SMS also)

Tags are labels you can use to mark or qualify communication content or communications themselves, whether email or SMS: assign tags to identify contact interests.
In the last release 27.10 we added on Matilda in the contact's home page a tab that shows about the contact's interaction with tags, and new filters that allow you to find contacts according to these interactions.
In this latest release we have updated the communication and journey reports to add, there too, the interactions recorded by the tags, regardless of the sending channel (email or SMS).

Deliverability and brand reputation score: even easier with magnews

We implemented a wizard to create (and edit) web domains and sender domains.
This implementation is a follow-up to what we did in the last release to keep track of the brand score of your communications.

Matilda's Audience in the magnews Guide

With this version of magnews we bring to life the documentation regarding the new Matilda interface, starting with a small but significant topic, Audiences. We chose this as the first topic because on Matilda the management of audiences has changed significantly from the Classic interface, becoming simpler and more usable. We remind you that the audiences you create or edit from Matilda will be the same ones you will find later when accessing the Classic version, and vice versa.
In the magnews user guide, under Matilda, you will find the new pages with an overview of what audiences are, how they can be used, and how they are built and managed on Matilda.
You can reach the guide from the user menu, either from the classic interface (top right) or from Matilda (bottom left).

October 2022

Version 27.10 on October 13th, 2022.

Brand protection score! What impacts your deliverability?

Our new implementation allows you to keep an eye on your communications brand score and gives you tips on how to increase it to improve deliverability.
You pay attention to every detail of your email: graphics and layout, headlines and text, colors, links, images ... magnews does everything possible to optimize the delivery part ... after all this it would be such a shame not to reach the inbox of the recipients. The email has to be as good as possible, but for your contacts to open and read it, first you need to be sure you've done everything in your power to reach them.

SMS marketing with magnews

If you have the SMS channel active on our platform, you already know that magnews allows you to send easily on this channel. On the new Matilda interface, you will find the new SMS designer and an improved preview with a good approximation of how the message will be displayed on smartphones.

Cross-channel tags, between communications and web

Magnews allows you to assign one or more tags, to identify the interests of your contacts.
Suppose we tag a content belonging to an email, a communication and web pages on your site with the same tag. So, for example, if we are talking cinema, we can associate pages, emails, sms, articles with the tags noir, horror, comedy... If you want to know, without distinction, how many interactions your contacts have made on the tag "comedy," you can use the new filter by tag.

Shopify 2.0. On line the evolution of the connector

The 2.0 release of the Shopify connector includes several updates and improvements: you can import the history of all orders by choosing recency; you can import and synchronize Shopify customer tags; in communications where you use the "Shopify one-to-one" template you can display the last order with information and products; you can set up automatic updating of single selection or multiple selection type fields; you can unsubscribe from Shopify contacts using List-unsubscribe.

September 2022

Version 27.09 on September 8th, 2022.

Do you really know your database? Audience insight

Do you really know your database? How is it composed, what kind of contacts are in it? It is not enough to know how many contacts are contained in a database or audience, what is really interesting is to find out the composition, origin, history, ... in a word: insight.

A new template for more effective landing pages

Landing pages are a key element in your strategy: having a studied and effective communication landing on anonymous or uninviting pages is a bit like leaving a job half done.
We created "Inspire", a new much more content management-oriented template, that simplifies and speeds up the creation of landing pages and lead generation forms on magnews. You can create attractive and original landing pages that reflect your brand identity by easily setting some initial options that are automatically used by the template elements.
Starting by choosing the colors, font family, font size, and other general options that match your brand or the image you want your landing pages to have.

We redesigned the designer

We made some technical and functional adjustments to Matilda's designer of both communications and landing pages.
The new designer is designed to have an easier experience both in the creation of an email, from the simplest to the most content-rich, and in the construction of landing pages or multipage and conditional surveys.

New filters on tags and conversions

Who converted the communication? How many visitors a page with a web tag has? We added new filters on the contact list.

Connect magnews to 5.000+ apps with Zapier

With Zapier Connector you automate connections between platform databases and Zapier's 5,000+ apps, including Pipedrive, Zoho CRM, Keap and Excel.

Collect new contacts from Google Lead Form

The previous version of the connector allowed you to export magnews contacts and create audience segments on Google Ads for your Google campaigns. This new version adds an important feature: you can synchronize leads collected via Google Lead Forms with magnews contacts.

July 2022

Version 27.07 on July 28th, 2022.

Release 27.07 contains no visible features but includes many improvements on performance and security.

June 2022

Version 27.06 on June 23th, 2022.

Monitor conversions from the web

Not to miss out valuable information, we also record conversions that come from clicks on on site messages and landing pages.
Conversions that you probably already achieve, but of which you do not know the value. So now you can track your contacts' conversions more accurately and with the most correct provenance.
In the conversion target reports, you will find updated values that also count these new conversions. As for the list of assets that contributed to conversions, they will be represented as a web channel with an indication of the type of asset: on site message or landing page.

How much are your automated flows converting?

We started implementing the automated flow report on Matilda. The report contains revised data already visible on the classic version and new insights, in particular you can find out how much your automated flow converts.
In the report you first view the card of the targets that converted from the automated flow messages. Each conversion target has its own tab and for each target you will find: the number of conversions, the total value, the average value, the conversion rate and the date of last conversion.

Update on the communication report

Do you remember what happened? Apple focused on the privacy of its customers and now asks for confirmation or not to track the opening of emails from its devices.
Magnews, soon after, started a separate tracking for trustworthy and untrustworthy openings, and in order to have a projection of the openings data that can be comparable with previous KPIs, it invents the estimated funnel. In addition to the reliable data (based on the reliable openings), a second funnel is displayed, which contains an estimate of how many contacts to realistically consider as having opened.
Our customers found this data interesting, so we decided to add it to the exportable communication reports as well.

Contacts importer operation also updates unsubscribed contacts

When doing an import and update contact operation, you can now choose whether to also update unsubscribed contacts.
This option has been introduced in both the manual import and the scheduled task.
Unsubscribed contacts belong to your magnews database, so you can keep their data up-to-date. Although you cannot do direct marketing activity on these contacts, you may be in contact with them through activities not related to marketing consent.

  • Web experience. You may have contacts who have unsubscribed from your newsletter so as not to receive communications, but who frequently access your site and purchase by clicking on promotional pop-ups. If you could not keep the personal and purchase information up-to-date, you might not be able to display the pop-up for these contacts who would then stop converting.
  • Marketing automation. Service flows, such as post-purchase communications, do not require marketing consent.
  • Social adv. You can do retargeting on social media (Facebook, AdWords, LinkedIn) using audiences consisting of contacts relevant to you regardless of their status on magnews.
  • Insight. Keeping your data up-to-date allows you to always have complete and consistent insights. With business fields for example, you can always have relevant information (e.g. the average receipt of your customers) at your disposal across the entire database, regardless of the status of the contact.

May 2022

Version 27.05 on May 19th, 2022.

Release 27.05 contains no visible features but includes many improvements on performance and security.

April 2022

Version 27.04 on April 14th, 2022.


Consolidated and enhanced conversion target report

With a view to continuous improvement, we collect your suggestions and feedback to improve and make more effective what we have done so far.
The conversion goal report already had a lot of conversions information, the assets that led to the conversions and also statistics, as well as value, on parameters.
What else do you need to know about conversion goals?
What days and times are my contacts most active? When should I send communications to my contacts or, in general, urge them, to get an answer?
We added a graph showing the distribution by day of the week and time. In this map, the more intense the color, the higher the number of conversions, on the corresponding day of the week and hour. The gray squares indicate that there were no conversions at that time.


One app for 2 new channels: Whatsapp and Telegram

With the MessengerPeople connector you can manage WhatsApp for business and from now, the Telegram channel too.
With the new version of the MessengerPeople app you can send notifications and reminders to your contacts, directly from the platform.

  • The Whatsapp channel uses the contacts Cellular system field.
  • The Telegram channel uses the Telegram ID field that is created when the app is installed.

Essentially, the platform provides you 2 additional channels which you can send communications, transactional and workflow messages with.

Profile studio

Friendlier filters on contacts

We changed the filters look, especially the contact lists ones.
Filters are structured according to "descending levels", tree like. When you filter on a field or statistical information with many levels, it is necessary to remember the path taken to reach the filter. Now these are displayed right above your chosen final filter.
In addition, in these lists we have added "on top" filters.

Contact fields

New highlighted business fields

Choose from the database which are the important contact fields, the ones you want to keep in evidence and know how much and how they are valued for the whole database.
If you choose single selection fields, now you can see, in addition to the value in the contact card, also the summary in the database home or in the Profile Studio dashboard. The summary is a linear graph that shows the options in proportion to how much they are valued. Hovering on the graph opens the legend with the labels and the options percentages.
Example: The satisfaction level of contacts who made a purchase.


Apple's openings estimation funnel also available for the automated flow

As already done for the communication funnel, we added a funnel with the estimate of untrusted email openings, from Apple proxies.
In the classic "Email" funnel, only openings considered reliable are counted. We have therefore introduced a second funnel, in which the openings data (opened emails, unopened emails, open rates and click-to-open rates) represent an estimate of the "probable" openings: how many emails could have been opened? The data is therefore greater than the classic funnel and intends to represent an estimate of the realistic data.

March 2022

Version 27.03 on March 17th, 2022.


Collect new leads with LinkedIn

We have developed a new app: LinkedIn connector.

We now connect to the most popular professional social network, nobody knows exactly how many users it has all over the world, surely a lot (more than 600 million, 700...).

What can you do with the new connector?

  • Synchronise leads collected from forms and campaigns on LinkedIn, in real time or periodically.
  • You can connect multiple LinkedIn accounts, multiple campaigns and multiple Lead Ad forms.
  • In your automated flows, you can use the node that gets triggered when a new LinkedIn lead is imported in the platform.

Lead generation, Profile enrichment, Nurturing and Lead Scoring, MQL / SQL and business reporting ... just some of the scenarios enabled and amplified by the new LinkedIn connector.

Profile Studio

Use business fields to learn how your database changes

Have you already set up your business fields? From the classic version, accessing the page of a contact field, in the paragraph Field usage you will find the "Business Fields" options. This option allows you to highlight some contact fields compared to the others.

What does highlight mean? On the Matilda interface you will find in the home of the contact, the "Highlight" that shows the value of all the business fields for the contact. From this version you will also see in the Profile Studio dashboard a card that shows the "average", for the same fields, of the values that the contacts have in all databases.


Create audiences based on the conversions of your contacts

Have you set up conversion goals in your account? You can now answer the following questions:

  • How many/who are the contacts with more than "x" conversions?
  • How many/which contacts converted after or before a certain date? and in the last month?
  • How many/who are the contacts that converted more than a certain amount in the last conversion?
  • How many contacts in total converted at least a certain amount?


View automated flow conversions more easily

We've added a small implementation in the automated flow report. In the message report, in table format, you will find 3 additional columns:

  • Number of emails converted for the message
  • Conversion rate of the message
  • Number of contacts unsubscribed from the message.

Using the Options button you can see this data by choosing a period, or filtering by audiences or contacts.

Scheduled tasks

Run scheduled tasks only when necessary

Until now, scheduled tasks could be triggered periodically by scheduling the time interval or the time at which they should be executed. From now on, you can choose to run scheduled import tasks only when there actually is a file to be processed. To do this in the scheduling tab, in the task execution choose "When a file is available".

For example: before, a contact import task was executed every day at 8 a.m., from now on you can choose to have this task executed only when the file containing the contacts to be imported is present.

We recommend using this new option if the file will not be available at regular time intervals.

February 2022

Version 27.02 on February 17th, 2022.


A more functional report for conversion goals

With conversion goals you can track and measure the actions your contacts take on your website that you consider most important. For example: a purchase on the ecommerce site or the download of a resource.

If you have set up conversion goals in your account, you will already have seen the card in the contact's home page and in the database, which shows the main data about the goal: the number of conversions, the value, the number of contacts that converted... Here we added a Report button.


Journey Lab: Matilda's dashboard is transformed

The operational part, in managing an account, soon becomes crowded, articulated and complex; different users, many different needs, multiple campaigns, communications, automated flows, surveys, transactionals. The organisation structured in journey is effective but does not solve the need for easy and fast access to the different assets.

The new Journey Lab dashboard by Matilda tries to solve this: a single and unified list of all the assets of the account, regardless of type or journey.
You will find a single list of communications, transactional communications, automated flows, on-site messages, surveys, sorted by date of last modification, so that you can immediately find at the top of the list the most "recent" assets on which you have just finished working.


New events for contact history

In the activity history of each contact we have added new events related to surveys and on site messages:

  • View: the contact displays an on site message or the first page of a survey
  • Partial completion: the contact completes a part of an on site message or a survey, for example if it consists of several pages and does not complete all of them
  • Completion: the contact completes the on site message or survey.

You will find the new events both in the classic interface (contact page > Summary tab) and in the new Matilda interface (home of a contact > Activities tab).

The activities performed by the contact are therefore more accurate and can be consulted more immediately.


On Matilda the delivery list is unique

In order to continue the implementation of all features on Matilda, in this release, we have added the delivery list, which you will find in Monitor > Deliveries.

Unlike the classic version, the list on Matilda includes all sent deliveries, active and unconfirmed outgoing deliveries, current A/B split deliveries and those for which you have to manually choose the version to send.

So you can find your delivery, even if you don't know or remember its status, in the same list: a coloured badge will tell you its current status. For example: a yellow "To be confirmed" badge indicates deliveries requested but awaiting confirmation, a light blue "Sent" badge indicates that the sending of the communication has finished.

File sharing

Optimise space in File sharing

File sharing is a 'space' for sharing files, securely, between users of the same account. 
Files used to be deleted only by manual activity, but now you can specify a number of days after which files are automatically deleted. The number of days is configurable by all users with an Administrator role, so you can specify the retention that best suits your account.

This way, you can more easily limit the space used by deleting obsolete files.


Sending a list of messages via REST API

We have implemented sending a list of messages via the REST API: simplemessages/messages.

Each individual message's specifications is the same as simplemessages/message, and can be found in the Common parameters section of the Transactional messages page.
The result is a list containing, for each message sent, the status or the error if the message was not sent.

January 2022

Version 27.01 on January 20th, 2022.

Release 27.01 contains no visible features but includes many improvements on performance and security.