Release notes

Take a look at our platform tools, features, and updates designed for your specific needs.

December 2021

Version 26.12 on December 16th, 2021.


Matilda: we are waiting for your feedback too

Matilda is the new interface of magnews. If you haven't tried it yet, you can access it from the user menu at the top right and use the item "Switch to Matilda". If you still don't see this item, ask your sales representative for activation.
In the user menu at the bottom left of the new interface you can find the link to the "User Guide", where there is the item "New Matilda interface" that contains some information about the use of the new interface.
You can use the item "Send feedback" to send us your requests for information or your more general feedback.

Business fields

Highlight business fields in your database

A new feature allows you to highlight some contact fields of your database compared to the others.
From the classic version, accessing the tab of a contact field, in the paragraph "Field use" you will find the options "Business fields".
The options affect the Matilda interface. If you tick a field you will find it in the "Highlighted" card in the contact's home page.
For example: you have an eCommerce synchronized with magnews and, in the contact's card, you want to see immediately the date of the last purchase of the contact and the total amount spent. From the classic interface you can set these two contact fields as business fields. From Matilda you will see in the contact's home page the new "Highlight" card that contains the values of these two fields for the contact.
In the next versions we will further develop this idea, to make it more usable and effective.
For example, you will be able to see this data for the whole database, in its dashboard. For number type fields you will see the total and average for all contacts, for yes/no type fields you will see the percentage of contacts with yes value...
Note: you see the new options only if you have Matilda active. If you don't see them, read the article above...


New version for the Dynamics connector

Schedule at fixed hour

For import and export tasks, we have updated the task scheduling, adding the daily mode.
Now you can run operations choosing one of two following modes:

  • Hourly: set a time interval that must pass between each run. For example: run every 8 hours.
  • Daily: set the time you want the operation to be performed. For example: run every day at 2pm.

The hourly mode was already present. How it works: every time you start the task, it schedules the next execution after the indicated number of hours.
If you want to run the tasks once a day, it is better to opt for the daily mode, every day they will be started at the same time.

New button action: Create contact in Dynamics

We have implemented a new survey button action: "Dynamics: create or update contact".
So from now on, if you make a platform survey to acquire new contacts, you can include this action in the confirmation button. You will be asked which type of contact you want to create (lead, contact, account) and the action will create the contact for you on Dynamics or update it if it already exists.
In the "Dynamics contact entity fields" section, you can create the contact with only the values inserted by contact in the survey, or you can also insert fixed values in some fields (e.g. it comes from the survey of ...). It is necessary that the key field linked to Dynamics is present on the contact.
In addition, you can decide to create the contact also in the platform too, in this case it will be added to the database linked to the entity (in the Dynamics app configuration).


We have restructured the PEC Manager app

PEC Manager is an app, already active for several years, that allows you to send certified emails to your contacts, therefore to use the PEC channel.
The main functionalities remain unchanged, we have streamlined the interface and added some parameters and utilities.
The app consists of two parts: Account and Sending Rules.
You can set up several accounts, which will be the senders of your PEC emails.
To set up an account you have to enter the email address and configure the outgoing SMTP server with the information provided to you by your PEC provider. You can also set up the saving of outgoing messages and enable bounce collection. In these cases you must configure the IMAP server and indicate the folders of the server where you want to save the messages.
For each account you can establish sending rules that decide whether an email, outgoing from the account, should be sent through the normal channel or through the PEC provider. Rules can be set on: sender email, sender name, recipient, subject, reply-to address.
For example: emails that have a certain email address as sender or that contain a certain text in the subject must be sent via PEC. Email messages that do not match any rule are sent through the normal platform email channel.
If you have the app installed, it will update to version 2.0 in the coming days. The PEC accounts and sending rules already set up remain valid and working, you will be able to continue to use the account to send PEC emails without doing any activity on the new app.
Are you interested or do you want to know more about this app? Contact your sales representative.

November 2021

Version 26.11 on November 18th, 2021.

Mail Privacy Protection

Apple Mail Privacy Protection: MagNews adds data and information to reports

On September 20, 2021, Apple released iOS 15. From this moment on, openings coming from the Apple Mail application can no longer be considered reliable: that is, actually responding to an actual opening by the recipient. For this reason, since October 6 MagNews has decided to adopt a precautionary approach and counts as reliable openings only those that include: openings from a client other than Mail and clicks from Mail clients (openings without clicks from the Mail client are not considered).


As previously announced we are introducing technology solutions and new features to manage the impact of Apple's release of Mail Privacy Protection (AMPP).
In this release we have worked on:

  • core elements such as how data is interpreted and collected, and separate storage between reliable and unreliable events
  • core reports such as the funnel and the mail client report
  • functionalities that rely heavily on the reliability of the opening data, such as recall.


  • Contacts using Apple Mail with Privacy Protection feature enabled: we no longer know if they open emails and/or when, unless they click, in which case we can be sure they have read them.
  • MagNews: collects, interprets, discerns, records.
  • You: view historical reports modified to accommodate new data.


We modified the method of collecting opening events, with this data we updated the reports: Global, Journey, Communication, Transactional and Database. Specifically, the update concerns the funnel and the mail client report. You can see the updated reports both in the classic version of MagNews and in the new Matilda interface.

We split the funnel. The email tab of the funnel, splits into: "Email" and "Email (estimate)".

  • "Email": reports, as before, the data related to the number of emails you have sent (e.g. received emails, clicked emails, converted emails). In the opened emails, only the opens considered reliable are counted; this means that you may have a decrease in the number of opened emails and the open rate.
  • "Email (estimate)": compared to the other funnel, open emails, unopened emails, open rate and click-to-open rate change. This data is calculated considering reliable and unreliable opens and performing an estimate of "probable" opens: how many emails could have been opened? The figure is therefore greater than the previous funnel and is intended to represent an estimate of the realistic/possible data.

We have updated the mail client report. Where there are mail clients, we have simplified the graphs and tables and better specified the names of clients and devices. For communication reports we have added a graph, with a table, that indicates the impact of Apple MPP: Emails opened or clicked (reliable openings) and Emails opened by Apple proxy and not clicked (unreliable openings).

How does recall work now? MPP has also had an impact on communications recall. To give you a choice, we've included an additional flag, which allows you to consider or disregard unreliable openings.
The old flag, to be precautionary and avoid sending the same communication to people who have already read it, does not send the recall to those who may have opened. So:

  • Send to those who do not have Apple Mail client and have not opened it
  • Send to those who have Apple Mail client and have not registered an open
  • Do not send to those who have Apple Mail client and have recorded an opening (unreliable).

The second flag we added, instead, allows you to send also to contacts who have registered an opening in Apple Mail, even if you don't know if it's an automatic or real opening of the contact. If you select it, it's possible that your communication will also reach Apple contacts who had already opened the email with their client or webmail.

Conversion goals

Measure conversions

Conversions and conversion rate: these aren't new metrics, but they've always been somewhat hidden in the platform. So we've empowered conversion goals to provide you with meaningful, easy-to-read indicators to measure the actual effectiveness of your actions on contacts.

If you have Web Tracking active on your account, you can reach conversion goals from the classic interface.
We have added a field to specify the type of goal, you can choose one of the proposed ones (Purchase, Registration, Completion, Download) or enter a new one. If the goal has a value, you can specify the currency.
Example: If the goal you want to measure is a purchase on eCommerce, you can create a conversion goal of purchase type, with Euro currency. By inserting the script that MagNews generates on the order conclusion page of your eCommerce, you can know how many platform contacts have purchased and find the conversion rate.
On the new Matilda interface you can see this data in:

  • Contact home: the number of purchases of the contact, his total spend, the average spend per purchase and the conversion rate
  • Main dashboard: how much your contacts spent (for each conversion goal created in the platform), the average receipt and the total number of conversions. This data is available for the last 30 days, but you can select the last 7 days or the entire life of the goal.
  • Communication Report: how many conversions for the goal the individual communication drove, the conversion rate and the total spend generated by the sent.
  • Journey report: how much all messages sent from this journey converted.

The conversion goal is not just the purchase. For example: if the goal of your messages is the download of a resource, you can know how many downloads were made, by whom, in how much time, which message was more decisive ...
Don't you see the menu Management > Web Tracking? Ask your sales representative.


Have you already met Matilda?

Matilda is the new interface of MagNews. To access it, from the user menu at the top right, use the item "Try the new version".
If you want to get to visit Matilda and you don't see this item yet, ask your sales representative for the activation.
If you want to send us a feedback, use the form you find in the user menu in the lower left corner of the new interface.

October 2021

Version 26.10 on October 14th, 2021.

Mail Privacy Protection

Apple Mail Privacy Protection: MagNews protects your communication projects

On 20 September 2021, Apple released iOS 15, a version that could have an impact on your email and digital marketing projects.
Email messages received from recipients using the Mail application are now opened automatically by Apple.
For this reason, to protect your business, from 6 October 2021 we have decided to take a precautionary approach and only count reliable openings; therefore, automatic openings made by Apple Mail are no longer counted.
Further technological solutions and functionalities will be introduced in future releases.


Matilda: the new look of the platform

The new interface of MagNews is called Matilda and has been designed with the aim of being more streamlined and easier to use. It's based on the principles of:

  • Modernity: both in the graphic aspect and in the completely redesigned technology.
  • Rationalization: to reorganize as best as possible all the functionalities available on MagNews, in a simple and coherent way.
  • Usability: to simplify the user's operability and increase the general effectiveness of the users on the platform.

What can be done on Matilda? Create a communication, modify its design and send it; set up an automated flow, add nodes and configure them. Create a database or a journey. Not all operations and activities are yet available on this new interface, you will find an arrow symbol next to the actions that take you to the classic version.
To access the new interface, from the user menu at the top right, use the "Try the new version" item. Don't see this item in the menu? Contact your sales representative to activate Matilda.
Do you want to send us a feedback? Use the form you find in the user menu at the bottom left of the new interface.


Multi-value management in filters

A small improvement allows you to filter on "list of values" fields by inserting multiple values within the same clause instead of inserting the clause multiple times.
For example: You can use the Engagement equals News OR Clickers filter; previously, to get the same result, you had to use two clauses: Engagement equals News OR Engagement equals Clickers.
This allows you to save time when composing filters and, most of all, reduces the filter process time for the platform.
The implementation is active in filters on contacts, for fields of value list type, both user-defined and system fields (e.g. engagement, contact status, timezone, language).

Contact import

Scheduled task of automatic contact import

The scheduled task of automatic contact import has been aligned with the manual import; therefore, you can decide to re-import unsubscribed contacts depending on the cause.
In the page of the scheduled task, inside the page dedicated to the Import rules, if you select the option "Allow resubscribe of unsubscribed contacts", you can now select the causes of unsubscription that belong to the contacts not to be re-imported.
For example, you can choose not to re-import contacts who unsubscribed on their own or unsubscribed because they had the address blacklisted.


MagNews and WhatsApp for Business

Starting today, with the MessengerPeople connector, you will have an additional communication channel: WhatsApp for Business.
Send notifications and reminders to your contacts, directly from the platform, using the Cellular system field of the contacts. You can send communications, transactionals and automated flow messages.
For example, in an automated flow node you can send a notification for an abandoned cart, confirmation of a reservation, or restocking of a product in stock; you could trigger a transactional communication for a password reset or notification of a delivery. You can send upselling and cross-selling communications, invitations to special events, discount codes or promotional offers.


Prestashop 5.0

In the new version of Prestashop we have upgraded both templates "Template one-to-one" and "Template newsletter". They have been made more performant in various mail clients and we have made some changes that allow you to select the currency and have the multilingual parameters, including prices.
From this version, you also have the possibility to use combinations of products with the actual price. If on your Prestashop eCommerce you have products for sale with different attributes or features, for example clothes that differ in price based on color or size, you would have created product combinations and assigned different prices to the different variants. From now on, the connector supports the combinations and therefore all the variants obtained. Where you already use products, e.g. in the shopping cart, now the product will change price depending on the variant selected by the contact.

September 2021

Version 26.09 on September 9th, 2021.

Release 26.09 contains no visible features but includes many improvements on performance and security.

July 2021

Version 26.07 on July 22nd, 2021.


Send an appointment as an attachment to the communication

To insert an appointment type attachment into a communication, you no longer need to first create the appointment from the media list, you can instead create it directly from the "Attachments" tab of the draft setup. Here you will be prompted for the attachment creation method where you can create an appointment in .ics format.
The contacts will see an attachment in their email client with the name you chose for the appointment and the extension .ics. By clicking it, the recipient will be able to add the appointment to their calendar.

Web service

New options for the REST web service

Attachments also via API: It is now possible to send transactional communications with attachments. In the platform API documentation you can find the specifications for the simplemessages/message endpoint and an example of how to use the attachments parameter, in the section "Send an email message with contact data".
Support for data tables: It is now possible to perform select, insert, update and upsert on user entities (data tables). You can find the documentation on the "Entities" page of the REST API.

Scheduled tasks

Fast update for scheduled tasks

In the "Edit contacts" scheduled task, on the "Contact fields" page, you can now use the "Use fast update mode" option.
The option is the same as in the contact list fields edit batch operation. The edit operation is faster but the last modification date of the contacts will not be updated. Also, this option, cannot be used with contact fields that are linked to input nodes of an automated flow.
In the task log detail report, you can check if an update was performed in the fast mode.

June 2021

Version 26.06 on June 24th, 2021.

Release 26.06 contains no visible features but includes many improvements on performance and security.

May 2021

Version 26.05 on May 20th, 2021.


News for contacts import

We have implemented an optimised solution for importing large quantities of contacts via scheduled tasks. The platform decides for you in which cases this new type of import is to be preferred to the previous, more 'classic' type, which remains the optimal one for smaller volumes.

Data tables

New scheduled task: importing data tables

If you use data tables, for example, to synchronise your customers' orders, you can then automatically import the data from a file into the selected table.

The source file can be located on the local platform FTP or on an external FTP server and can be an Excel, .csv or fixed-length file. You will be prompted to associate the fields in the table with the columns in the file and can choose whether to export the outcome report.

Like the other scheduled tasks, in the "Scheduling" tab, you can choose to execute this import periodically on an hourly, weekly or monthly basis. For example: repeat every 2 hours or every Monday and Thursday at 08.00.

SMS messages

More options to send SMS via web service

We have added the opportunity to manage the sending of special SMS cases via web service.
You can, in fact, use the following parameters with the createNewsletter function:

  • smsencoding: to indicate the encoding used to send the SMS messages
  • enablelongsms: to send long SMS messages
  • maxsmsparts: number of message parts, in the case of long SMS messages
  • enablesmslinkstracking: to enable tracking of links included in the SMS message. Please note that if you enable this option, links will also be replaced with shortlinks.

Data tables

Data tables and contact fields: it is better to have indexes

When you create a many-to-many relationship contact field with a custom association with a data table, the platform now checks if you have an index on the association table and, if not, suggests you create it directly, without having to go back and edit the data table.

Having the index improves performance on activities that occur repeatedly on contact fields of relation type.

App - Shopify

Boost your Shopify eCommerce

Following the integration with Prestashop and Magento, we have added the Shopify app to the family of eCommerce connectors.
The main features of this connector follow the requirements already expressed for its predecessors.

  • Synchronise Shopify customers: you can automatically update the contacts registered in your eCommerce with their master information, preferences and behavioural fields. To set up the synchronisation, you can easily associate Shopify fields with the contact fields in the platform database. You also have available data about the last order placed by each contact (e.g. total spend, products purchased...).
  • Recover abandoned checkouts: you can synchronise the platform with the checkouts abandoned by your customers, so that you have the content of their attempted purchase and can recover up to 30% of expired carts. A small note to specify that Shopify does not take into account abandoned carts, but "abandoned checkouts". The checkout is that "extra step" when you click that "Continue / Checkout" button from your cart that makes you an "almost" customer. For shopify, in fact, it's not enough that the customer has filled the cart but wants to register a more realistic purchase intention.
  • Manage unsubscriptions: the app provides you with a custom button action, which you can place on the button in the unsubscribe form, so when the contact unsubscribes, we will immediately report the unsubscription on Shopify as well.
  • Start automated flows: the connector creates two new entry nodes, new customer and abandoned checkout.
    New customer: when a customer signs up on Shopify, via the configured webhooks, the contact is created in the platform and the corresponding automated flow session is started. You can then, for example, send a welcome or subscription confirmation email.
    Abandoned checkout: this node checks if there are checkouts abandoned on Shopify for more minutes than configured and, if so, starts the flow session. For example, you can send a personalised email to the contact with the contents of their cart.
  • Fish with the product picker: the product picker "fishes" your eCommerce product information directly from the Shopify product catalogue and allows you to easily insert it into the "Shopify newsletter" template, without having to enter it separately: photo, name, description, price, features and even product tags.
  • Customise one-to-one: in the advanced version of the app, you will also find the "Shopify one-to-one" template. You can create dynamic and customised communications, with all the information relating to the product catalogue and the behaviour of each contact available in real time.

What can you do by configuring the Shopify connector? Let's take a look at a small practical example. You set up an automated flow serving the app and configure a node of type Abandoned checkout; the node initiates a session that sends an email to the contact with the Send Message node, using the one-to-one template with the list of products of his checkout and a discount customized according to his preferences, to capture the customer's attention and turn the checkout into an order.

App - Facebook

New version for Facebook Connector

We have updated the connector to Facebook version 10.0.

  • Stay up to date: to keep up with the latest Facebook updates, we've updated the platform integration API.
  • Increase match rate for custom audiences: when creating a custom audience (custom audience segment), specify the list of contacts you'd like to add to your Facebook audience using a filter on the platform database. The resulting list of contacts from that filter is sent to Facebook, which matches certain fields and synchronizes the contacts it can find. Up to now, selecting this match required choosing between email address and mobile number. From now on, you no longer have to choose; you'll be able to match several fields at the same time, increasing the match rate and accuracy of your custom audience segments. In addition to these fields, you can also create custom audiences using a multi-match on the following additional contact fields: first name, last name, gender, country (the two letters of the international code) and postal code.

App - Dynamics

Updates to the Dynamics app

The Dynamics connector has been updated to release 11.0.

  • Test send: when you import a campaign activity from Dynamics, the app creates a communication and a static audience to send to; if the number of contacts in the target audience is very large the synchronization can take a while. To make sure you send to a fully updated list of contacts, the app waits until synchronisation is complete before allowing you to start sending. Until this point, this check was done for all types of email sends. We’ve now excluded it for test sends. Moving forward, this allows you to create your communication, send tests and proceed with your changes while waiting for the synchronization to complete.
  • Target: we've optimized the loading time of target audiences for campaign activities that have already been imported, speeding up the updating process in the event of minor changes (a few contacts added or removed).
  • Virtual entities: we now also support the importing of virtual entities. A virtual entity is a custom Dynamics entity with fields containing data that comes from an external data source. When managing related entities and selecting which mode to use to perform the synchronization query, you can now select "Simple mode", this way the entity will be connected even when it is virtual. This synchronization mode does not apply any filters and always downloads all data.
  • Lookup fields: the new version of the connector supports multireference lookup fields (linked to multiple entity types), and maps each referenced entity to a separate field on the platform. This will allow you to synchronize fields of customer type (e.g. "Company") and owner type.
    For example, if you want to import a contact into the platform whose field on Dynamics is "Company", 2 new options are available:
    • "Company Name (Contact).Full Name (String)": this will be populated for contacts that have "Company" containing a Contact entity.
    • "Company Name (Account).Account Name (String)": this will be populated for contacts that have "Company" containing an Account entity.

April 2021

Version 26.04 on April 22nd, 2021.

Release 26.04 contains no visible features but includes many improvements on performance and security.

March 2021

Version 26.03 on March 18th, 2021.

Automated flow

Customise "Wait" for contact

In the automated flows, in the "Wait" type node we have added the option to use the contact's time zone. Therefore, if you select this option, the start and end dates/times of waiting will not be defined using the time zone configured in the automated flow settings, but they will be using that of the individual contact instead.

For example, you can now use this node to send a message to the contact in a specific time of their time zone.

Automated flow

Minor changes to automated flows

We have changed the name of some nodes to make the automated flow designer clearer.

The node "Add/remove from static audience" was shortened to "Add/remove from audience", since direct addition or removal is possible from a static audience only anyway.

The end node was renamed "Exit", to make it consistent with the others (Wait, Verify ...): the contact exits the automated flow.

We have simplified the name of the node "Periodic Recurrence Filter" to "Periodic Filter", the meaning and its characteristics have not changed.


Https first

When inserting a link in your communications or contents, if you only enter the web address without specifying the protocol in front of it, from now on, the web address will be completed by entering the secure protocol "https://".


Webhook, a new method of interaction

A webhook is a communication system between applications that allows them to interact efficiently when needed.

From now on, platform apps can also implement webhooks and allow any external system to invoke them when necessary to trigger specific events, such as creating or updating a contact, updating a shopping cart, unsubscribing, ...


Disabled login information for users

It is possible to disable access to the platform backend for certain users. It is recommended to enable this option for users dedicated to the use of the platform via web service, in order to increase the security level and reduce the risk in case of credentials problems (e.g. password change).

This option is now visible in the single user tab.

If you wish to activate or deactivate access for a user you can make a request to our help desk.

Scheduled tasks

Edit contacts with scheduled tasks

In the scheduled task of "Edit contacts" type, you can select the option to empty certain contact fields.

It is now also possible to select contact fields of the "Multiple Choice" type in this task.

Data tables

Use primary key for data tables

Suppose we want to import a database of contacts into the platform with the orders placed, each order containing the email address of the buyer.

We can import the contacts into a platform database with an email address key and create a data table containing the orders.

It is now possible to create a custom many-to-many relationship type contact field, which links the database contact to the orders table, indicating that the "link" column contains the primary database key (email) and not the contact ID.

It is also possible, in the database contact list, to make a filter on all contacts that have the primary key in a list, given by the result of a query on the data table. Example: list of contacts who have placed an order above a certain amount.

February 2021

Version 26.02 on February 18th, 2021.

Release 26.02 contains no visible features but includes many improvements on performance and security.

January 2021

Version 26.01 on January 21st, 2021.


News for Microsoft Dynamics Connector 10.0

  • Perform post-import actions
    At the end of an import process, you can set a function call belonging to another custom app installed on your account. It can be useful, for example, to send an email or SMS message at the end of the target update.
  • Support for virtual entities
    When importing a related entity into a data table of the account, you can now import Dynamics virtual entities with data coming from an external data source.
  • Import values for lists
    When importing entities, if you had a picklist (drop down menu), until yesterday you could only import IDs. Now, you can choose whether to import the ID or the label of the linked value, or even both. When searching for user entities, you'll be able to filter more precisely.
  • Export the engagement field
    We have made the platform's engagement field exportable. You can find it in the exportable fields in the Contacts Statistics category.
  • Expiring static audiences
    When you import a campaign activity from Dynamics and create a communication, you can also decide to create the static audience on the platform, synched with the Dynamics audience. Now, we introduced an option to expire these static audiences, audiences will be automatically deleted at the end of their lifetime, set in the Database settings menu (Management > Settings > Database).


New field types for Salesforce 8.0

  • New Field types
    We have added support for the following field types: currency, percent, number. For more information, we have included a diagram in the app documentation showing all field types supported by the connector.
  • Turn a string into a "value"
    You may have had to use a string field in Salesforce for various reasons, but it always returned the same values. It is now possible to map a Salesforce string field into a list of values on the platform.
  • Disposable static audiences
    When you import a campaign from Salesforce, the corresponding static audience is created on the platform. From now on, you can use the option "Let the audience associated with the target expire naturally" to let these static audiences expire. The audiences will be automatically deleted at the end of the lifetime indicated in the database options (menu Management > Settings > Databases).


Automated flow and Prestashop 4.0

  • More potential with new automated flow support
    You will find two new event nodes in your automated flows. With the "New contact (Prestashop)" node, a contact enters the platform flow when they are added to Prestashop. For each new contact, you can, for example, send a welcome email or perform different actions for customers and subscribers. The "Abandoned cart (Prestashop)" node allows you to solicit your contacts or future customers, for example by sending dedicated messages.
  • Add contacts to your Prestashop
    If you have a form on a platform web page (or an on-site message or a survey), you can add two new actions to the completion button that respectively create a new customer or a new subscriber directly on your connected Prestashop instance. So, from today, not only can you use the platform to contact customers and subscribers coming from Prestashop, but you can also increase your Prestashop contacts through the platform.
  • And finally, a small but useful improvement
    Where there were select (drop-down selections), now there are more modern search selections to quicken your work. For example, when you need to select fields from the platform database.


Only send the latest news with Feeds 5.0

  • Constant updating
    To accommodate even our most demanding users, we have made the synchronisation of the feeds that create the content more frequent, it now takes place every minute.
  • Shall I send or wait? Doubt solved
    To avoid having to wait for feed synchronisations and still be sure to send your communication with new content, we have connected the synchronisation to the dispatch. When you access a draft communication, you will find the new "Feeds" tab. Here, if you select the option "Update the contents of the feeds configured for the journey just before sending the communication", the platform will automatically synchronise the feeds of the journey before sending it. This means that your contacts will receive the updated communication.
  • Synchronisation history available
    When you access the "Journey feeds" you will find a new menu that will take you to the "Delivery attempt history". Here you have a list of all synchronisations that have been triggered automatically with the new sending implementation.
  • Limit total contents
    Where you list the feeds to be downloaded for the journey, until now, you could set a maximum limit for each feed to be downloaded. Now, in addition, you can also define a total limit for the journey.