Release notes

Take a look at our platform tools, features, and updates designed for your specific needs.

December 2023

Version 28.12 on December 14th, 2023.

With AI Split your automated flow intelligently self-optimises towards the best performing path

Discover how the revolutionary AI Split node can transform your automation flows, making them smarter and more productive by gradually directing them towards the best performing paths. AI at your disposal for increasingly efficient automated flows.

AI-driven translation for communication without language barriers

Our AI-driven translation functionality helps ensure that your email marketing efforts are truly global. It allows you to reach potential customers in the languages they know and understand best, saving the time you would have spent on translations and significantly reducing translation costs. Don't worry about language barriers and focus on content.

November 2023

Version 28.11 on November 16th, 2023.

Identify the most promising leads with Lead Scoring

Imagine having a tool that helps you focus your efforts on the most promising opportunities, without wasting time and energy on those that are less ready or less mature. This is exactly what Lead Scoring can do for you in magnews.
Lead Scoring is a new feature of magnews to evaluate and rank your leads efficiently. Discover how this process can make your marketing work more targeted, effective and, above all, results-oriented.

Optimise your time with effective management of multilingual emails

In this article we present the new multilingual communication functionality, you no longer have to compose a different communication for each language or use visibility conditions for each individual element.
After activating the multilingual option, you will find the "Translate" button on the main screen. Simply click to open a new window that gives you the option of translating the content of your communication into the selected languages.

October 2023

Version 28.10 on October 12th, 2023.

A new way to create effective emails: make the most of your catalogue and brand kit

If you haven't already done so, discover the versatility of our landing pages and communications, which cross customisation of your brand kit with the catalogue of predefined elements.
You will now find HTML text and paragraphs enriched with the new distinctive colour palette and you can save your own customised sections in your communications.

More immediate planning with the new calendar

Matilda's calendar shows us an overview of our account, starting with the present and moving into the future (or past).

New automated flow templates are available

The new versions of the Google Ads and Prestashop connectors have made some adjustments and updates. An important new feature is the introduction of new automated flow templates.

Define in advance when your on site messages will be available

Thanks to the new magnews functionality, when you activate or deactivate an on site message, you can set a future date, to make them visible at strategic times or to decide precisely when they will no longer be available.

More secure accounts

With this release we have also released some useful improvements to keep your account security under control: customisation of the session duration of your magnews account and the use of Simply SMTP defined at user level.

September 2023

Version 28.09 on September 7th, 2023.

Introducing the magnews Brand Kit: Flawless Brand consistency meets Marketing agility

The Brand Kit is the toolbox every marketing manager dreams of having. Within this powerful magnews feature, you can define the identity characteristics of your brand, including its Name and Website, Logos, Fonts and Colour Palette, Social Media.

Revolution in email marketing: A new way to create effective emails

Magnews introduces revolutionary features that will radically change the way you create and manage your marketing campaigns. These features include a new predefined object Catalog that speeds up the creation of messages, and a set of new options and parameters that ensure maximum flexibility and dynamism in layouts and content, when needed. These innovations promise to save up to 80% of time in message and communication creation, while enabling unprecedented brand consistency and customization.

AI-powered content operation

In order to have engaging and persuasive content, with the tone that best fits your way of communicating, magnews provides you with a tool that exploits the AI of Chat GPT. Thanks to this tool, you will be able to devise your subjects and preview texts from the content of the email in just a few minutes. In addition, you can write, optimise and improve any content for your communications or landing pages with customised language that reflects your specifications (persuasive, ironic, motivational, with emoji, more concise, longer, ...).

Synchronise orders with Magento 14

New version of the connector for Magento which, as main feature, provides synchronisation of the history of orders that contacts have placed on your Magento store.

Dedicated web service permission for each user

Most of the entities and features of magnews can be used via web service. As a security improvement, we have moved the web service access permission from the account to the user. Thus, in an account that has web service access permission, it is possible to enable or disable use by the individual user from its page in the 'Advanced' tab. As before, also via web service, each user can only perform the operations permitted by their role.

July 2023

Version 28.07 on July 27th, 2023.

AI Assistant: the solution to write effective content

After a first version, in which the AI Assistant app used the capabilities of Open AI to process a meaningful and interesting subject for your communications, we developed a second version with more abilities. Specifically with the Content Assistant section you write or improve the content of your communications.

View user entities directly in the contact tab

If you have information that is important to your database, you can record it in user entities and link it to contacts via relationship fields. You can now view the contents of these fields directly from the contact's tab.
For example: suppose I want to link contacts to products they have purchased. I have a user entity that contains the products that can be purchased by the contacts and a contact field of type relationship that contains the products purchased by the contact from those contained in the entity.

How much are your audiences converting?

To understand how your database is built or how well your audiences are performing, you can use audience insight: you can find it on Matilda, in the Contacts list, by clicking on the pie icon next to the database or audience name.
This tool allows you to keep an eye on important elements relative to contacts belonging to one audience or database. Using the filters you can check how various insights change to segment your contacts differently.

June 2023

Version 28.06 on June 22th, 2023.

Release 28.06 contains no visible features but includes many improvements on performance and security.

May 2023

Version 28.05 on May 31th, 2023.

We present to you the new catalog

We made some changes to the designer to make it simpler. The most important novelty is the content catalog several layouts, presented with realistic texts and images, to immediately give you an idea of the scenarios you can create. It will give you the opportunity to express your creativity in a simpler and faster way, to accomplish your tasks in less time.

Simplify automation management with automated flow templates

Automation flows allow you to reach contacts with personalized messages at the best time for them.
We set up various templates that will enable you to easily structure automated flows, whether simple or complex, for important flows such as birthday greetings, welcome programs, abandoned cart reminders, and more.

A/B testing also for preview text

A/B split testing allows you to send two variants of the same communication to a limited target audience, and then send the successful version (A or B) to the entire database.
If you choose to vary the two versions for the subject, you can now also specify two different preview texts.

Web experience and on site messages

If you have enabled web experience on magnews, you may find this new implementation in on site messages useful, as it allows you to make a copy. The copy of the on site message will retain the design (styles, layout, colors, etc.), all the settings, rules, and triggers.
If you copy an active on site message, the copy will be deactivated, and you can proceed with the modifications. Once you're ready, you can activate it.

Share contacts between magnews and Facebook

Version 13.0 of the Facebook connector is now available online. The main updates include the addition of the ability to synchronize magnews audiences and your Facebook account's custom audiences, as well as the ability to use automated flows nodes with the Matilda interface.

Sync contacts and targets with Dynamics

In the release 13.0 of the Dynamics connector, you have the ability to import Dynamics marketing lists into the platform and convert them into static audiences in magnews. We also added the management of a new automated flow node called "Dynamics - Update or create entity", which provides the ability to update or create any entity connected to Dynamics (e.g., lead, user, campaign).

April 2023

Version 28.04 on April 13th, 2023.

No links? Never again

You are just composing a communication, the validation tool informs you that you left a link blank: you did not indicate the destination. You can finally know where it is without having to recheck the entire email.
We have added tracking on tel: type links, too.

New insights for web experience

We brought back the onsite message report on Matilda, taking the opportunity to add new items.

Are you familiar with landing pages?

For customers using the Classic version of magnews, surveys change their name to become "landing pages" (as they already are on Matilda). You will find your "surveys" intact and working and with the same functionality they had before.

Enhance the way you communicate AI Assistant

AI Assistant is magnews' new app that connects with your ChatGPT (OpenAI) account, offering you the opportunity to leverage the potential of Artificial Intelligence to optimize your daily marketing and communication activities. You can leverage the potential of AI to quickly find the right inspiration and create alternative and effective copy, gaining valuable time.

Use your customers' preferred messaging channels with MessengerPeople

We have implemented multi-channel management (in the sense of MessengerPeople channels). We also made the "Update User" action that updates users on MessengerPeople configurable from Matilda. We then added a little support for checking the length of messages in case they exceed 1,024 characters.

Shopify: maximize the potential of your eCommerce

With the upgrade to version 3.0 of the Shopify connector, we made important changes to the privacy consent flags. We also migrated the connector to Matilda, so you can use Shopify automated flow nodes, button actions, and the product picker from this interface as well.

Countdown: dynamic countdown in your emails

Settings to insert countdowns into your emails is now fully configurable from Matilda.

March 2023

Version 28.03 on March 16th, 2023.

Increase the effectiveness of your emails with AI Assistant

Now with magnews and the new AI Assistant app, you can send original DEMs and Newsletters by leveraging the platform's integration with ChatGPT: more creativity, more open rate and click rate!
Turn on AI Assistant

February 2023

Version 28.02 on February 16th, 2023.

Brand Protection. Web domain and sender, together they are a winning team

Web domain and sender domain are the two fundamental elements for your Brand Protection. On their own they are important, but combined together they become winning.
From the sender domain page you can choose to associate it with a web domain.

We introduce you the new landing page report

With magnews landing page, building a survey or a questionnaire, even a complex and multi-page one, is intuitive and fast. The Matilda version provides the new report that shows the most interesting results in a simple and visual way.

Manage your LinkedIn leads with Matilda

Finally, managing leads acquired on LinkedIn becomes easier, using Matilda. These and others improvements are available in the new version of the connector.

January 2023

Version 28.01 on January 19th, 2023.

Optimized web experience for Matilda

Web experience on Matilda will be more user friendly, usable and focused on taking full advantage of the potential of web personalisation.
We started with on site message management. With this interface, the creation of pop-ups, widgets and web elements becomes even simpler and more intuitive.

Magento connector and Matilda together

The new version 13.0 of the Magento connector integrates with the new Matilda interface. You can use the new designer for communication or automated flows using contents and data from your Magento site.